【運休】「賢島エスパーニャクルーズ」・「英虞湾・島めぐり」(6月6日 終日)




  • お問い合わせ先志摩マリンレジャー(株)


絵かきの町・大王 大王大賞展「第13回絵画展 ~志摩をあるく~」審査結果

絵かきの町・大王 大王大賞展「第13回絵画展」に全国より88点(73人)のご応募があり、 令和4年2月15日(火)・16日(水)の2日間にわたり厳正な審査の結果、下記の作品が入賞されました。

「暁光にうかぶ」 生川 朋義さん
城野 秀世さん
岡村 和可子さん
板野 和郎さん
松永 和興さん
中森 順一さん
今井 雅夫さん
北口 久人さん
岩本 敬子さん
倉松 正明さん
米川 みえこさん
真下 俊威さん
小林 登志樹さん
辻 裕美さん
大内田 加奈さん
中村 龍二さん
大王大賞暁光にうかぶ生川 朋義三重県津市
金賞休日城野 秀世京都府京都市
銀賞岡村 和可子三重県四日市市
特別賞 三重県知事賞ファンタジー松永 和興愛知県名古屋市
特別賞 三重県教育委員会教育長賞風化中森 順一和歌山県和歌山市
奨励賞 三重県観光連盟会長賞輝輝今井 雅夫三重県鳥羽市
奨励賞 伊勢志摩国立公園協会長賞英虞湾クルージングで見つけた風景北口 久人大阪府東大阪市
奨励賞 NHK津放送局長賞繋(きずな)ー安乗人形芝居ー岩本 敬子京都府京都市
奨励賞 三重テレビ賞鰹を燻す男倉松 正明高知県土佐清水市
奨励賞 レディオキューブ賞秋日和米川 みえこ三重県鈴鹿市
奨励賞 志摩市商工会長賞「白い壁(燻小屋)」真下 俊威京都府亀岡市
奨励賞 志摩市観光協会長賞大王岬の豊かな海小林 登志樹三重県鈴鹿市
ホープ賞 40歳以下限定ひさしおっちゃんの真珠工場辻 裕美神奈川県相模原市
ホープ賞 学生限定道しるべ大内田 加奈奈良県北葛城郡
ホープ賞 学生限定みなと中村 龍二兵庫県豊岡市
秀作安乗文楽林 繁廣三重県志摩市
歳月人を待たず中村 繁己三重県伊勢市
波切漁港の片隅で増田 尚弘奈良県吉野郡
小春日和近澤 順道三重県津市
南岸防衛帯田畑 武雄静岡県浜松市
神無月の波切渡辺 哲也三重県名張市
波切にて、面影に馳せる松宮 伊澄三重県いなべ市
水中と水面伊藤 姫杏三重県四日市
大王、九月申。増田 典彦三重県伊勢市
のりそだ伊藤 功愛知県半田市
Sazae堀口 友紀愛知県
志摩恋物語り細川 佳成鳥取県鳥取市
鰹漁大王埼沖松本 文仁鳥取県境港市
輝く白と青の記憶佐藤 真菜鳥取県鳥取市
漁師小屋家近 健二大阪府柏原市
岩礁内海 福溥京都府京都市
石積と暮らす増田 明静岡県御前崎市
私のダンダラボッチ河原﨑 静子静岡県菊川市
伊勢エビとあたち田中 たみよ京都府京都市
ゆらぎ~波切漁港~辻 希望兵庫県加東市
日日是好日船倉 佳子奈良県北葛城郡
ほしいなあ金丸 竹子三重県鈴鹿市
海人たち磯山 秀夫茨城県稲敷郡
  • お問い合わせ先 絵かきの町・大王 実行委員会事務局(志摩市観光協会内)


一般社団法人 志摩市観光協会は、令和3年11月4日付けで観光庁の『観光地域づくり法人(候補DMO 第21弾)』に登録されました。








【 ふるさと応援寄附返礼品(プレミアム宿泊利用券)利用期間延長対応について 】





□ 発行日 2020年4月1日~2020年10月31日の期間のもの
 → 有効期限をさらに1年間延長

  例)発行日 2020.4.1の場合 
    →有効期限を2022年4月1日 とします。


□ 発行日 2020.10.31の場合 
 → 有効期限を2022年10月31日 とします。


□ 発行日2019年10月1日~2020年3月31日の期間のもの
 → 有効期限をさらに1年間延長対応をお願いしております。
  例)発行日2019年10月1日 → 2021年10月1日とします。
    発行日2020年3月31日 → 2022年3月31日とします。


※ご使用の際には事前に(一社)志摩市観光協会 までご連絡をお願いいたします。

  • お問い合わせ先 一般社団法人 志摩市観光協会
    〒517-0501 三重県志摩市阿児町鵜方1670-2(近鉄鵜方駅改札階)
    TEL:0599-46-0570 /FAX:0599-46-1113
    担当  濱口・南

[ Emergency Info ] Website & App

For travelers in Japan, we would like to introduce some tools to get the latest information in case of emergency.

  1. [App] Safety tips

This Application notifies a user with EEW, Tsunami Warnings, Volcanic Warnings, Weather Warnings, Heat illness Warnings and Civil Protection Information issued in Japan. It is a free application developed under the supervision of Japan Tourism Agency.

The Application provides various functions useful for foreign tourists in Japan.

The application is available in 12 languages: English, simplified and traditional Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Tagalog, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Nepali, Thai, and Japanese.

  1. [Website] Multilingual Emergency Updates (NHK World Japan)

This website is operated by NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation).

NHK releases and updates the latest information about natural disaster and Covid-19 situations.

Available in 20 languages.

Related Links[App] Safety tips
[Website] Multilingual Emergency Updates (NHK World Japan)

Shima took the 1st place! (Tripadvisor)

According to the survey of Tripadvisor(c) released on December 1st 2020, Shima city was chosen as the best tourist destination in Japan!

This survey was reflecting the recent trend of domestic travelers who prefer to avoid busy places to hot springs, outdoor activities, and walking in nature.

The ranking is as below;

  1. Shima (Mie prefecture)
  2. Nikko (Tochigi prefecture)
  3. Hakone (Kanagawa prefecture)
  4. Shirahama (Wakayama prefecture)
  5. Beppu (Oita prefecture)
  6. Ito (Shizuoka prefecture)
  7. Hakuba (Nagano prefecture)
  8. Karuizawa (Nagano prefecture)
  9. Fuji Kawaguchiko (Yamanashi prefecture)
  10. Yufu (Oita prefecture)

The result was based on the replies from 3429 people of USA, UK, Italy, Australia, Japan, and Singapore, and the data from search outcome and hotel-reservations between December 2020 to January 2021.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and Japan’s Go To Travel Campaign, the major hotels and ryokans in Shima city are almost fully booked on weekends lately.

Because Shima is rich in nature, and there are many options for seafood and outdoor activities such as canoeing and fishing, it becomes more attractive tourist destination for domestic travelers.

Related LinksTripadvisor Press Release

For your next travel itinerary – Youtube videos are available!

A series of Youtube videos were released by Mie prefecture!

These videos would give you perfect images of what you can do in Mie prefecture.

Of course, our proud and beautiful district Shima is on the videos, and you can check out local activities and breath-taking scenery of Shima.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon!

Related LinksMoment Capturer ~It’s gonna be your Stories~【MIE JAPAN】
[Panoramic] Moment Capturer ~It’s gonna be your Stories~【MIE JAPAN】
[Selfie] Moment Capturer ~It’s gonna be your Stories~【MIE JAPAN】

Visiting ‘Amagoya’ To Meet Traditional Female Skin Divers – ‘Ama-san’

‘Ama’ or ‘Ama-san’, as known as female skin divers, are traditionally women’s occupation in Japan.

Many of the Women who were born in fishing villages started diving from early age, and became Ama-san to catch a variety of seafoods to make their livelihood.

Even after they got married and became mothers, those women could dive into the sea and earned a lot of money. That helped women be independent and they worked proudly as important income earner of the family.

After the economic growth, the number of Ama-san got decreased dramatically. Some fishing villages have not a single Ama anymore, and the tradition completely disappeared.

However, in Shima city, there are approximately 230 women who work as Ama (2018).

And there are some places that visitors can meet and talk with those real Ama-san while having excellent grilled seafood inside a cozy atmospheric wooden hut.

At Ama Hut SATOUMIAN, nice and chatty Ama women will welcome visitors and tell their stories about daily work and tradition. It’s a very unique experience that we want anyone to try.

The Blogger Cheesie Came Back To Ise-Shima!

The famous travel blog Cheeserland.com just shared a blog about Ise-Shima!

The well-known female blogger Cheesie, who shares her travel experiences through Cheeserland.com and have traveled all 47 prefectures of Japan, just came back to Mie prefecture this time.

Please check out her blogs to see what you can do in Mie prefecture!

Related LinksOnce in your lifetime in Mie
[See Also] Gourmet Mie Day 1 – Abalone feast at exotic Shima Peninsula

9th Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM) will be held in Shima

Japan is going to host the 9th Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting, so called PALM, in 2021.

This time, the PALM will be held in Shima city, Mie prefecture.

Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting is a summit-level meeting which has been held every three years since 1997. Leaders openly discuss various issues that Pacific Island Countries(PICs) are facing in order to build close cooperative relationships and forge a bond of friendship between Japan and PICs.

PALM is now constituted by 19 countries and areas including Kiribati, Cook Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Tonga, Nauru, Niue, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Palau, Fiji, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia,
New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan.

For more information, please check out the link below.

Related LinksPALM9 TrendMag

Excellent bird’s-eye view from Daio-saki Lighthouse

Many of you, travelers from overseas who have ever visited Japan during mid-summer, often say “I’ll never come back here in summer” due to the extreme humidity in Japan.
However, once you experienced Japanese Autumn, I’m sure you’ll fall in love with this country again.

The unpleasant humidity is completely disappeared now, and clear blue sky and colorful Autumn leaves feast your eyes.

To enjoy such a great weather and nice temperature, today, I’d like to introduce you ‘Daio-saki Lighthouse (大王埼灯台)’.

The pure-white building stands at the top of a hill, so, you just need to take a little walk to get there.
But trust me, it is truly worth visiting.

You can actually go into the lighthouse building.
The path inside the lighthouse is quite narrow and steep, and since there’s no window while you are walking upward. so, you may feel uncomfortable about the process.

But once you arrive at the top of the lighthouse, the world you see will be completely different.

The horizon shines in front of your eyes and it’s far, far away. And the horizontal line is not flat, and you’ll just realize that this planet is truly round.

Also, on the way to daio-saki Lighthouse, I recommend you to walk around the town and the coastline. The atmosphere of the small fishing village is so cool, and you’ll find old days’ nostalgia still exists in real life now.

  • Schedule 9:00~16:00
  • place 54 Nakiri, Daio town, Shima city, Mie 517-0603
  • Contact TEL:0599-72-1899 FAX:0599-43-8321
  • Related Links Official Website of Daio-saki Lighthouse
  • Remarks Entrance Fee : Adult(Age 12+) JPY300 / Kid For Fee
  • Parking Fee : JPY300 – JPY500